Blue Oceans

Finding Blue Oceans

Creating a blue ocean of uncontested market space drives innovation, minimizes competition, and maximizes e-commerce success.

Blue Oceans Start with Why

Read our Amazon Start with Why post on for more about why customers buy who you are not what you do.

Blue oceans begin with Simon Sinek's "why" because customers are drawn to brands that align with their values and beliefs. By clearly articulating your purpose and the driving force behind your business, you attract loyal customers who connect with your mission. Focusing on "why" differentiates you from competitors and creates uncontested market space where customers buy into who you are, not just what you do.

Blue Oceans

'Blue Ocean Strategy' by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne introduces a revolutionary approach to business strategy, highlighting the creation of 'blue oceans'—unexplored market spaces brimming with potential for innovation. These 'blue oceans' are in stark contrast to' Red oceans,' which are saturated with competition and the norm in many industries. 

The book's most challenging idea is the psychological shift from known things with rapidly diminishing returns to unknown business models based on the creation of new value chains.It is hard to give up what we know to embrace the unknown, but such actions is where uncontested market space lives.

With practicality at its core, 'Blue Ocean Strategy' uses real-world examples like Cirque de Soleil, Yellow Tail Wine, and Starbucks to demonstrate how companies can achieve growth and profitability through innovation and differentiation. The authors equip businesses with tools and frameworks, such as the Strategy Canvas and Four Actions Framework, to guide them in discovering blue oceans. The book underscores the power of value innovation and strategic creativity in driving long-term success, empowering businesses to chart their own course.

Blue Ocean Shift

We recommend Embark reading"Blue Ocean Shift" because it builds on concepts introduced in Blue Ocean Strategy, providing a clear, step-by-step roadmap to identify and seize new opportunities. Through a suite of powerful tools and real-world case studies, you'll learn how to systematically navigate away from the choppy waters of cutthroat competition and chart a course towards the calm, expansive blue oceans of innovation and growth. Embrace the shift and unlock a world of possibilities for your business.

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