Amazon Advertising

Amazon Ads

Pros and Cons of Amazon Marketplace Advertising

Amazon Marketplace Advertising, also known as Amazon Advertising or Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), offers a variety of advertising options to help sellers and vendors promote their products on Amazon. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of using Amazon Marketplace Advertising:


  • High Conversion Rates: Targeted Audience: Amazon’s advertising platform allows you to reach a highly targeted audience already in a buying mindset, leading to higher conversion rates compared to ads on other platforms. Amazon claims a 25% hike in a site's conversion rates when they offer Buy with Prime. That's a big number we don't trust, but increasing conversions by 5% or 10% can make a big impact on most ecommerce sites.
  • Increased Visibility: Sponsored ads can significantly boost the visibility of your products and website, especially in a competitive market, helping you to stand out and attract more potential buyers.You can use Amazon Ads to drive traffic to your website. Amazon offers a variety of ad products, including display ads, video ads, and audio ads, that can be used to promote products or services that you don't sell on Amazon. We recommend starting with your Buy with Prime products, but test others as well. Don't forget to create special landing pages and test those pages within an inch of their useful life.
  • Detailed Analytics: Performance Tracking: Amazon provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that help you track the performance of your campaigns, allowing for data-driven decision-making and optimization. Remember to factor in all costs and the lifetime value (LTV) of new customers acquired. It would be good to know if the LTV of customers acquired via Amazon ads and Buy with Prime is greater or less than customers from other sources.
  • Flexible Budgeting: You can set daily budgets and bid amounts, giving you control over your advertising spend and allowing you to scale campaigns according to your budget. If this sounds like you need an algorithm we agree and recommend speaking with Mark Brown at Voltage Media.
  • Diverse Ad Formats: Amazon offers various ad formats, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, and Video Ads, providing flexibility to choose the best format for your marketing goals.
  • Enhanced Brand Presence: Amazon allows you to create custom brand storefronts, which can enhance your brand’s presence and provide a richer shopping experience for customers.


  • Costly Bidding Wars: Popular keywords can lead to costly bidding wars, increasing your cost-per-click (CPC) and making it expensive to maintain top ad placements.
  • Complexity and Learning Curve: The platform’s various features and options can be complex to navigate, requiring a learning curve and possibly the need for expert management to maximize effectiveness.
  • Limited Creative Control: Compared to other advertising platforms, Amazon has more restrictive ad formats and creative guidelines, limiting your ability to customize ads extensively.
  • Dependence on Amazon’s Ecosystem: Your advertising success is closely tied to Amazon’s ecosystem. Changes in Amazon’s algorithms or policies can directly impact your ad performance and visibility. The key is to convert customers who click on your Amazon ads, so we recommend special landing pages you test frequently.
  • Banner Blindness: Over time, customers may develop ad fatigue or banner blindness, potentially reducing the effectiveness of your ads if not managed properly.
  • Amazon-Centric: Unlike platforms like Google or Facebook, Amazon ads primarily drive traffic within Amazon, limiting the ability to redirect users to external sites or build a broader digital presence.

Amazon Marketplace Advertising offers significant advantages, including high conversion rates, increased visibility, detailed analytics, and flexible budgeting. However, it also comes with challenges such as high competition, complexity, limited creative control, and dependence on Amazon’s ecosystem. For businesses looking to maximize their presence on Amazon, understanding these pros and cons is crucial for developing effective advertising strategies.

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